Monday, February 9, 2015

Meatball Lasagna Recipe

I know you are reading the title and thinking, meatball lasagna?  I've never heard of that before... Well, me neither, but trust me it's delish.  Lasagna can be a tedious meal to make especially if you are into the layers like me.  And, boiling 10 inch lasagna noodles in a 6 inch deep pot is nothing short of a joke, right?  So, kudos to whoever invented the oven ready version.  You get to take a shortcut on time and your family will still think you went to culinary school.  Brilliant.  If you are ready for a fast and easy way to make a lasagna tonight, then continue reading my friend. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Meatball Stroganoff Recipe

So, I had some meatballs that I needed to do something with.  I found a ridiculously easy recipe from a Pin from this blog: Menu Musings of a Modern American Mom and after adding a few more ingredients from Mrs. Paula Deen's version, the combination made for a heavenly treat.  Just like the blogger says, don't fuss over precise measurements.  Just roll with it, it's gonna be good.  Here's my version...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tomato Alfredo Pasta

Another simple pasta dish for you guys. I had a couple of tomatoes and some Alfredo sauce and wondered if they would taste good together. Guess what, they do! So I used some angel hair pasta, which I always seem to have on hand, and some dried basil and fresh garlic. Here's how to put it all together:

Monday, February 27, 2012

Italian Pasta Salad

I love pasta point blank period. If I could name my food vice, then there would be a struggle between pasta and raspberry sorbet for the number 1 spot. I love pasta because it's so easy to make and there are hundreds of pasta creations.  I made a pasta the other day using angel hair noodles (my favorite), a bottle of Zesty Italian Dressing, and some left over cilantro from the shrimp & grits recipe. Sounds easy right? Well it is! Here's the recipe:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fun, Fast, & Frugal: 4 Ingredient Pasta

Looking for a fast and frugal entrĂ©e for tonight? Try this super easy pasta that takes the same amount of time it takes to read this blog! This started out as a "I'm so hungry and I don't have money to get groceries" meal. But it ended up being one of my favorite weekday staples. It's made from items you should normally have in your pantry: