Monday, August 27, 2012

Better With Style {Dressy Casual}

Sunday's Best! Putting a blazer over a ruffly blouse makes it instantly dressy. Pairing it with denim, keeps it casual. Dressy Casual at it's best =)

Denim Trousers and Blazer: New York and Co.
Purple, teal, coral floral print blouse and Tangerine flats: Target (on clearance) 
Skinny Purple Belt: thrift store
Tangerine Button Earrings: L&L Boutique
Seashell Necklace: hand crafted
Hair: High bun from a frizzed up twist out


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Wear to Work - Simple but Savvy

I set my alarm to go off twice today so that I could make it to my 8:30 meeting on time. Well, that was in vain because neither one of them went off! I got dressed in a hurry, so I kept it simple today, but still savvy!

My Hair (transitioning): It got stretched yesterday from being in a high bun, so I was able to wear it straight w/o heat today. I put some rollers in that bad boy last night, took them out this morning, gave it a good shake and kept it moving! #thenaturallife

Statement Necklace: Lena & Laine Boutique

Friday, July 6, 2012

Wear To Work: Fashion Friday! {BWS}

Thank Goodness It's Fashion Friday (TGIFF)! lol Today I'm rocking out in a tropical flavored sundress that I brought at Old Navy on clearance half priced! (Probably b/c it was an online returned maternity dress) I also got a great 4th of July clearance deal on my New York and Co. plum t-strap sandals and cardigan. And plus, I never shop at NY & Co. without a coupon. I love great deals =)
For all my naturalistas, my hair is a 3rd day BnC (braid n curl), pinned back on one side. #thenaturallife!

Jewelry: Handcrafted by Lena & Laine Boutique
Nail Polish: Sally Hansen Insta-Dri (TM) Mint Sprint