Friday, August 16, 2013

Fresh Blueberry Cobbler

I got this recipe from Divas Can  After watching the YouTube video of Monique making it, my mouth was watering.  So I cleaned up my slob and high tailed it to the kitchen.  She's right when she says that most of these ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen.  I just so happened to

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Lena & Laine Boutique in Atlanta!

This past week I traveled to Atlanta with my church for our annual National Way of the Cross Convocation. While I was there I had the opportunity to be a vendor and showcase accessories from L&L Boutique.  Words can hardly describe what a wonderful and exciting time I had. The services and speakers were outstanding, the food was awesome, fellowship was great, and I made a bunch of new friends. Here are some photos leading up to and during thee event. Enjoy!

Working on my brand!
New shopping bags for the Boutique!

New suitcase display for my table

My work station
We finally arrived safe and sound!

We visited Dr. MLK's grave site and visitors center

Resting place of Dr. MLK Jr and Coretta Scott King

The infamous Ebenezer Baptist Church!!

The Great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached in THIS VERY pulpit!... unbelievable
All set up and ready to go!

Rings, earrings, bow ties, bracelets, lapel/flower pins, statement necklaces....

I'm a walking advertisement! 

Oh yea, we placed 2nd (out of 8) in the National Way of the Cross Bible Bowl Competition! 

The team, and coach! Accessorized by L&L

Where can you find L&L Boutique?