Wednesday, June 27, 2012

High-Low Hot Fuschia and Zebra {BWS}

High-Low Hot Fuschia and Zebra

High-Low Hot Fuschia and Zebra by bwalker

High Low fashion simply means you can dress it up or down. When you keep your basics simple, you can easily insert what ever color blazer or cardigan you like. KISS {keep it simple silly}

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Brownies - Dark Chocolate Fudge

Just a lil som som for the dessert foodies. Dark Chocolate Fudge brownies, complements of Mr. Pillsbury, complete with powdered sugar. Big hit at the company potluck today! =)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Casual Friday / Every Day

I keep my clothes basic so I can dress up with colorful accessories!

Casual Friday - Every Day

Casual Friday - Every Day by bwalker featuring a black shirt

Here's Where I bought my Items:
JC Penny- Blue Skinny Jeans, Black Tee, and Watch
Target- Handbag (last season)
Thrifted- White bead Necklace
Wish I had these shoes! - I wore white back strapped sandals from RackRoom

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wear to Work, or Not!

Neutral Base - Colorful Accessories

Neutral Base - Colorful Accessories by bwalker featuring a ruffle blouse

When you keep your pants and shirt neutral, you can high/low with fun colorful accessories. Wear the wedges and blazer to work, and sandals w/o the blazer after.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Fashion Friday {Better With Style}

I've been dabbling in some jewelry and accessory designs lately for my Boutique. Check out my recent creations and let me know what you think!?

wire wrapped rings

fabric rosette necklace

bow tie necklace

wire wrapped teal ring

adjustable tangerine bow tie

zebra cardigan

zebra scarf

wire wrapped emerald stone ring