Thursday, September 24, 2015

Amazing Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe


In the late hours of the afternoon it always seems that the roaring sweet tooth lion inside of me starts to awaken, searching and longing for something to satisfy its desire for dessert.  And so the hunt begins.  After rummaging around my kitchen, opening every cabinet door and staring into the refrigerator for about 10 minutes; I came up empty handed and disenchanted.  I just wanted a little bit of something sweet.  Didn't want to bake a whole cake or a whole batch of brownies.  I didn't have any cookies laying around and I certainly wasn't about to make a run to the grocery this late just for something sweet.  I started to think back to my single days and how I would rant on and on about how nothing in the world is made for a single person.  If I just wanted a few slices of bread I had to buy a whole loaf.  A pint of milk wasn't enough and a half a gallon was a little too much.  This that and the other, so forth and so on...

So I went to Pinterest because somehow this is where all the brilliant ideas seem to land.  It wasn't hard to find a cake in a mug recipe.  There are dozens of them on the web.  Admittedly, the first recipe I tried was a little flat, gooey and dry.  It reminded me of something that would come out of an Easy-Bake Oven, like the one I had when I was a girl.  I was almost convinced that this single serve cake experiment was going to prove unfruitful.  But, the lion continued to roar and the hunt continued.  I went on to search for another recipe, and I'm glad, because this time I hit the jackpot.  This recipe not only satisfied that roaring lion inside of me, but it whipped it back into the den from wince it came where it promptly drifted off peacefully to sleep.  Yes, it's seriously that good!  

I made the recipe with caramel bits, but chocolate chips will do the same justice.  Even a few mini marshmallows, the possibilities are endless!  And the small salty crunch of the peanut butter had me melting on my sofa... Trust me you will LOVE it.

Chocolate Caramel Peanut Butter Mug Cake Recipe - Adapted from ParentPretty Blog

yield: 1 MUG CAKE prep time: 5 MINUTES cook time: 1 MINUTE, 20 SEC (on a 1000 watt microwave)

3 tablespoons all purpose flour
3 tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 pinch of salt
1 1/2 tablespoon vegetable oil
3 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon crunchy peanut butter
1 teaspoon caramel bits

  1. Add flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt to a mug, mix well.
  2. Add milk and vegetable oil, stir until smooth. Drop peanut butter on top of mixture and gently push into center leaving some exposed on the top.
  3. Cook in microwave on high for approx. 1 minute, 20 seconds in 1000 watt microwave, add sprinkling of caramel bits immediately after cooking.
  4. Cooking time varies depending on the power of your microwave.

all dry ingredients, mixed well

added wet ingredients, mix well

zapped in micro 80 seconds

I put the caramel bits inside the batter
the second time I made it. Much better.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Fresh Blueberry Cobbler

I got this recipe from Divas Can  After watching the YouTube video of Monique making it, my mouth was watering.  So I cleaned up my slob and high tailed it to the kitchen.  She's right when she says that most of these ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen.  I just so happened to

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Brownies - Dark Chocolate Fudge

Just a lil som som for the dessert foodies. Dark Chocolate Fudge brownies, complements of Mr. Pillsbury, complete with powdered sugar. Big hit at the company potluck today! =)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Caramel Apple Cake

I originally got this recipe from a blog called a A Whisk and A Prayer. I was in the baking mood and went browsing through some cooking blogs and saw this wonderfully easy recipe. The blog author put it best when she said "When you bite through the cake's caramelized crust, you get a mouthful of plump, juicy apples and creamy gooey caramel melted together in a heavenly whirl of cinnamon and brown sugar."   Wow! Doesn't that sound heavenly?!

Let's get to it. Below is my adapted ingredient list and the cooking instructions. Everyone who I had try it, loved it.


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Somewhere Over the Rainbow... Cake

I first wanted to make a rainbow cake when a coworker showed me a picture of one on this blog post: Whisk Kid. Ever since I saw it, I became infatuated with the idea of making one. It looked challenging, interesting, and cool and I wanted one for myself. Plus, it ended up being a great finale to Easter Sunday's dinner. Baker beware, if you are not accustomed to making multiple layer cakes, then be prepared for some sweat equity on this one. Baking a 6 layer cake ain't no tomfoolery. This cake wore me out! I need to exercise more... lol.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Let It Snow Cream!

Raleigh, North Carolina saw it's first snow on Christmas Day in over 70 years! Wow! And boy did it snow! I got about 6 inches at my house, and as much as a foot was reported in some places. I'm so glad I had some time off work to relax and be lazy... Which also calls for some bad cabin fever! I've been snowed in for a couple days now, and as much as I don't like driving on ice and snow, I'm ready to get out the house and return to work. I love being snowed in, but all good things must come to an end.

With all this snow cover, I couldn't resist making some good old fashioned SNOW CREAM!! I don't really have a recipe for it, and I ate it up so fast that I forgot to take a photo!  But all it takes is...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Pumpkin Pie Anyone?

Perhaps one of my most favorite Holiday icons would be a pumpkin. I really do think pumpkins are under-appreciated. We buy them cheap and chop them up, scoop their guts out, then carve em up for Halloween decorations. Then, after Thanksgiving, they seem to fade away against the press of Christmas chaos. I never see another pumpkin until the Fall of the following year. Sadly, pumpkins are predestined for disposal, preferably compost :) However! There are a few that are harvested for a higher calling...