Monday, December 27, 2010

Let It Snow Cream!

Raleigh, North Carolina saw it's first snow on Christmas Day in over 70 years! Wow! And boy did it snow! I got about 6 inches at my house, and as much as a foot was reported in some places. I'm so glad I had some time off work to relax and be lazy... Which also calls for some bad cabin fever! I've been snowed in for a couple days now, and as much as I don't like driving on ice and snow, I'm ready to get out the house and return to work. I love being snowed in, but all good things must come to an end.

With all this snow cover, I couldn't resist making some good old fashioned SNOW CREAM!! I don't really have a recipe for it, and I ate it up so fast that I forgot to take a photo!  But all it takes is...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Pumpkin Pie Anyone?

Perhaps one of my most favorite Holiday icons would be a pumpkin. I really do think pumpkins are under-appreciated. We buy them cheap and chop them up, scoop their guts out, then carve em up for Halloween decorations. Then, after Thanksgiving, they seem to fade away against the press of Christmas chaos. I never see another pumpkin until the Fall of the following year. Sadly, pumpkins are predestined for disposal, preferably compost :) However! There are a few that are harvested for a higher calling...