Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Herbaceous Herb Garden

 (from left to right: Basil, oregano, dill, rosemary, thyme, cilantro, and parsley)
I love cooking with fresh herbs! Whenever a recipe calls for fresh herbs, I imagine myself walking over to my patio garden and picking the herbs I need. However, this dream hasn't been a reality until recently. I've been thinking about planting an herb garden for a while.  Growing your own herbs is more sustainable than buying from your local grocery, and not to mention more affordable.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fun, Fast, & Frugal: 4 Ingredient Pasta

Looking for a fast and frugal entrĂ©e for tonight? Try this super easy pasta that takes the same amount of time it takes to read this blog! This started out as a "I'm so hungry and I don't have money to get groceries" meal. But it ended up being one of my favorite weekday staples. It's made from items you should normally have in your pantry:

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Somewhere Over the Rainbow... Cake

I first wanted to make a rainbow cake when a coworker showed me a picture of one on this blog post: Whisk Kid. Ever since I saw it, I became infatuated with the idea of making one. It looked challenging, interesting, and cool and I wanted one for myself. Plus, it ended up being a great finale to Easter Sunday's dinner. Baker beware, if you are not accustomed to making multiple layer cakes, then be prepared for some sweat equity on this one. Baking a 6 layer cake ain't no tomfoolery. This cake wore me out! I need to exercise more... lol.

Monday, February 21, 2011

crock POT roast

I'm slow cooking a pot roast in my new crock pot today! I'm looking forward to a succulent roast and veggies when I return home after work today. I will update with the results soon! So excited :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Let It Snow Cream!

Raleigh, North Carolina saw it's first snow on Christmas Day in over 70 years! Wow! And boy did it snow! I got about 6 inches at my house, and as much as a foot was reported in some places. I'm so glad I had some time off work to relax and be lazy... Which also calls for some bad cabin fever! I've been snowed in for a couple days now, and as much as I don't like driving on ice and snow, I'm ready to get out the house and return to work. I love being snowed in, but all good things must come to an end.

With all this snow cover, I couldn't resist making some good old fashioned SNOW CREAM!! I don't really have a recipe for it, and I ate it up so fast that I forgot to take a photo!  But all it takes is...